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Interpreting the ProcessAnalyzer Visualization

The various icons, labels, and popups found in the ProcessAnalyzer are explained here.


  • An activity is an individual step in a process. (See image below)

  • It is displayed as a node (or circle) in the diagram.

  • It consists of the donut chart with an outer ring, an inner circle, the name of the activity, and certain key figures.

    • Inner circle
      • Changes shade from light to dark as its measure increases
      • To change the measure associated with the inner circle, click on the burger symbol, then the nodes symbol, then choose the between the measure options in the list.
    • Outer ring
      • Shows a colour-grading scale that will fill in as its measure increases
      • Reflects the third measure in the node's Context Menu popup box
    • Key figure 1: Displayed on the left. Default setting: Frequency
    • Key figure 2: Displayed on the right. Default setting: Average processing time
    • Key figure 3: Displayed in the donut chart's outer ring and must therefore be a relative key figure. It can be filled differently depending on the scenario. Default setting: Relative share of cases that contain this activity
  • Clicking on a node opens the Context Menu popup box.

    Node with KPIs
    Node with KPIs

Context menu of the activity

  • Displays the three key figures of the activity

  • The first measure is visually shown by the intensity of the shade of the node's inner circle.

  • Occurs in: Specifies the number of displayed process variants in which the activity is contained

  • Often from: Specifies the most frequent predecessor

  • Often to: Specifies the most frequent successor

  • SELECTION: There are four selection options:

    1. processes that contain this activity
    2. processes that do not contain this activity
    3. processes that start with this activity
    4. processes that end with this activity
  • Button 1: Jump to a stored worksheet and select the activity

  • Button 2: Jump to a deposited worksheet without selection

    Node Context Menu Popup Box
    Node Context Menu Popup Box


  • An edge is a line joining two activities and indicates the flow of work through the steps in the process (or activity transition).

  • The thickness of the line indicates the volume of cases that follow that path (or the average waiting time between two activities, if configured this way).

  • Key figure: Displayed as a label. Default setting: Frequency

    Edge with KPI
    Edge with KPI

Context menu of the edge

  • Displays the three key figures of the edge

  • From: Specifies the predecessor

  • To: Specifies the successor

  • Occurs in: Specifies the number of displayed process variants in which the activity is contained

  • SELECTION: There are two selection options:

    1. processes that contain this edge
    2. processes that do not contain the edge
  • Button: Jump to a deposited worksheet

    Edge Context Menu Popup Box
    Edge Context Menu Popup Box