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QueryBuilder Properties Panel

With the QueryBuilder, specific queries can be created.

Query Builder
Query Builder

How to create a Query

The Query Builder is operated in the same way as the ProcessModeler. All possible activities are listed on the left side, with the difference that there is the possibility to use "wildcards" as placeholders.

The wildcard [*] stands for any number of activities at the inserted position. The search result can bring back any number of patterns that have no, one, or multiple activities in the wildcard [*] position.

The wildcard [?] stands for exactly one unspecified activity creating a specific process pattern can be searched. The search result may bring back multiple patterns, but each pattern will have a single different activity in the wildcard [?] position.

Example: Wildcard [21?] contains all activities whose ID begins with 21, including 210, 211, 212, ..., 219.

💡 If you want to insert exactly one completely arbitrary activity, you must enter Wildcard [???].

  1. Drag and drop the desired activities or wildcards to the right side ("Process Query") between the Start and End nodes and arrange them in the order you want.

    There is also a search bar to find an activity more quickly.

  2. Click Apply Selection to transfer the query as a selection to Qlik®.

    Alternatively, it is also possible to write the query into a variable instead of a selection.

  3. Click Clear to clear the ProcessQuery display.

In order for the extension to run, the following dimensions and settings must be configured:


  • AL_ActivityType: The field that contains the descriptive name of the activity should be entered here.

    Default setting: AL_ActivityType

  • AL_ActivityTypeID: The field that contains the ID of the activity should be entered here.

    Default setting: AL_ActivityTypeID

Dimensions - Properties Panel
Dimensions - Properties Panel


  • # digits of ID (Reload required): Here you enter the length of the IDs of the activities (number of characters).

    Default setting: 3

  • Resulting ProcessPath: Here the query is automatically entered by the QueryBuilder.

    This is then passed to Qlik® as a selection.

  • Target switch: Here you can set whether the query is passed to Qlik® as a selection or whether it is written to a variable or if both is done.

  • Selection Target Field / Selection Target Variable: Here the field for the selection or the variable in which the query is written is entered.

Settings - Properties Panel
Settings - Properties Panel