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Understand the Different Script Scenarios

Before all steps for the event log creation are explained, an overview of the scenarios is given.

Two scenarios are provided which contain the eventsource creation and the processlog generation. The Grouping and Custom Lead Times need to be configured in your mpmX_repository before executing the processlog generation.

The scenarios include the process mining scripts for the event generation. Some variables need to be adapted:

  • CreateSearchIndexOnReload

    • If the search index should be created during data reload, or if it should be created after the first search request of the user. For more information go to the Qlik Website.
  • mvExecuteEventsSourceMining

    • You can execute the mining for each single eventsource if you set this variable to 1 in the 03eventsource scenario.
  • mpmXvScripts

    • This is a variable that defines a library path for the ScriptFolder where the process mining scripts are stored.
  • mpmXvData

    • This is a variable that defines a library path for the folder where the data is stored.
  • mpmXvStoreAnalyticProcessModel

    • This is a variable that saves the mpmX-algorithm's output to the data folder. If you want to save the .QVD output data set it to “1” and if not set the variable to null().
  • mvProcessDescription

    • This variable stores the name of your process.
  • mvProcessFinished

    • This variable defines which activities mark a case as closed.
  • mvDateFilter

    • With the help of this variable, the cases are filtered by date. It is only relevant if the mvExecuteEventSourceMining is set to null(). If a case has one event within the relevant date filter, all events generated for the case will be kept for the mining.
  • mvCentralActivityFilter

    • Here you can define a central activity which has to be part of a cases. If the activity is not part of the case, the case will be dropped before mining. This variable is only relevant if the mvExecuteEventSourceMining is set to null().
  • mvSuppressLoops

    • If you want self loops to be calculated in the process variant, set this variable to "0". Otherwise, set it to "1".


03processlog scenario

This template contains all the information to start creating a new event source.

Grouping & Custom Lead Times

Grouping activities and custom lead times are to be defined in mpmX_repository as soon as all events are defined and the process is ready for final mining.

04processlog scenario

In this scenario, the result of each event source (“eventlog_ds_*” QVDs) is concatenated to create the complete event log, which contains all defined events from each event source tab. Additionally, the table that contains all the meta information about the events is generated automatically (“eventLog_repo_*”).