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Definition of an Event Source

An event source is one table that can consist of various tables from the transform phase, like data views or source tables, that are joined together to serve as a single source from which one or more events can be extracted.

Some events are quite similar referring to their data origin, so they might originate from the same event source. Other events, however, might come from rather different data structures, so you probably need to create various event sources.

Example for an event source that needs to be created for the event "Create Purchase Order"

Continuing with the previous example, after the tables RSEG, CDHDR and CDPOS are connected by keys the CaseID should be built from the RSEG table:

  • CaseID: BELNR & '' & MANDT & '' & BUKRS & '_' & GJAHR

Then, we create a "where" filter to obtain the event. We know that a new order is created because a new row with a change indicator of "I" is created in the SAP change log tables. Such a row matches the following filter criteria:



  • FNAME = ‘KEY’

  • CHNGIND = ‘I’

We also recommend including a username to automatically calculate the automation rate of your process. We use the field USERNAME from the CDHDR table as username.

Furthermore, an ActivityOriginID field can be created, which contains the SAP document causing the event, thus, the connection is not lost between the process mining log and its original tables. For this event a %CDPOS_PKEY is used, but it can be used any other field as well.