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Resource Analysis

Resource Analysis
Resource Analysis

Type: Toolsheet

💡 Note: This sheet replaces the previous toggle function between the User Log and Standard Log in the Process Discovery Sheet by creating a seperate sheet for the User Log.
If your resources are users, the sheet could also be named User Analysis. If you analyze the usage of machines you could have a Machine Analysis Sheet for example.


  • Analyze the flow of resources to see the User Interaction troughout the process.

  • Analyze the resources that execute a process step (e.g. the employee, the team, the machine, etc.).

  • In this example the users are analyzed. See the flow between users that work on one process instance.

  • Detect problems such as ping pong (passing the cases back and forth between users).

  • Correlations between the number of involved resources and a high lead time (for example) can be analyzed.

  • The user workload over time is presented.

Business Benefits​

  • Shows how to minimize the wasted resources used in the process.

  • Employees can focus on the real important tasks, by optimizing the usage of the resources, which makes the business more efficient and the employees happier.

  • Other factors such as lead times can be improved, By optimizing the usage of the resources, which has further positive business impacts like faster resolution of tickets and thus higher customer satisfaction.

  • It could help identify a bottleneck in the process and unique optimization potentials.

Interpreting the Visualizations​

Key Figures​

Distinct Resource​

  • measures the count of unique resources, such as employees, tools, or materials, involved in a process

AVG % of Resource Changes per Case​

  • shows the average percentage of times resources are reassigned within each case.

  • This number reflects the stability and consistency of resources.

Process Analyzer​

  • For this sheet, the Process Analyzer shows not the Activities as usual but the flow between the resources i.e. from which user to which user is the case or the order passed.

The Tables​

Lead Time and AVG # distinct Resource per Case ID (by Dimension)​

This table provides information about the spend area, the number of distinct users and the lead time per dimension. It shows the relation between how many users are involved in a case and how this influences the lead time.

#user changes per case ID segmented in Classes​

If you switch to the next tab, you can see the overall Resource Changes per CaseID segmented in Classes. It provides information about how many users or resource changes per case there are. The more users are involved the higher the lead time gets.

This can be helpful for identifying cases and causes for a lot of user changes and with that information reduce lead time effectively.

User Workload Evolution​

The third tab shows a Graph of the Resource Workload Evolution. Here you can see which Resource (User) had how much workload over time. This can be helpful to monitor the usage of resources and act accordingly i.e. who is maybe overutilized or has a specific trend in terms of workload.